Earth Pathways Contributors | A - B



Mike Abbott (2015 diary)

For 30 years I have been running green woodwork courses and writing books on the subject. My main ambition is to enable as many people as possible to share in the delights of engaging fully with woodlands, trees and wood.


Tamsin Abbott (2020/18/16/15/14/12/10/09 diaries, 2016 calendar)

My work is influenced by the countryside, its trees, birds & beasts, and the world of myth & fairytale that are part of the invisible, magical tapestry that connects us with the landscape & our hidden memories of our ancestors.


Caroline Abrey (2014 diary)

A self-taught Astrologer, currently studying for a professional Diploma. Her enthusiasm and love of astrology is used primarily to help shed light, offer insight and assist others on their journey towards individuation.


Moza Ackroyd (2022/21 diaries)

I am enthusiastic about helping to grow a more sustainable future for all living beings and our beautiful home, planet earth.

Instagram: @mozaackroyd (photography)
Youtube: (videography)

Eve Adams (2012 diary)

Eve turned 60 in 2012! She stiches her passion for Nature, walks daily in the woods, enjoys making wildlife habitats in her garden, dances, loves Pema Chodron’s books, as well as being a psychotherapist, wife, mother and friend.


Lindsay Adams (2018 diary)

A poet and healer inspired by a deep love of mother nature, her seasons and the elemental folk who care for her.


M.L Adams (2023 calendar)

Health Transformation Coach, Nature Photographer and Writer. Inspired by nature and its beauty, Miranda writes and coaches to inspire our natural ability to transform obstacles into opportunities.

Sheela Adhar (2021 diary)

Sheela Adhar is a Classicist and writer interested in mythology, ancient beliefs and sites, nature, moon phases, crystal metaphysics and personal spiritual development. A self taught predictive astrology interpreter who also loves creating art and crafting with loving intent.


AHT (2021 Diary)

Also as: Alice Thomas

Based in Mid-Wales, cupped between mountains and sea, my artwork grows from my passion for nature in all its beauty. Entwining my creativity into all aspects of life; I draw, paint, weave, grow and nurture the seeds of my dreaming.

Facebook: A.HazelDesign

Dannie Z Alexander (2022/21/20 diaries)

I am a print maker and artist with a love of the rich imagery produced from storytelling. I make original prints and images influenced by folklore, myths and dreams, by a connection to the earth, it’s wild nature and lore.

Instagram: @folklore_artist

Steve and Karen Alexander (2012/11 diaries)

Steve and Karen have been photographing and researching the crop circles for over 15 years and for the past 10 years they have produced an annual year book showcasing the very best formations of each year. You can find out more about Steve and Karen and the crop circles by visiting their website.


Sue Allanson (2017 diary)

I live in Wirksworth, Derbyshire and have been working as a sculptor for the last 25 years. I take my inspiration from the stone itself, allowing it to suggest a form to me.


Elaine Allsopp (2014 diary)

A Mother Earth loving artist, photographer, and land artist, whose work endeavors to capture her earthly beauty, magic, and mystery. Living in the New Forest, she finds no lack of inspiration.


Jenny Allwood (2012 diary)

I spend as much time as I can in the beautiful, natural world, loving the trees, plants and animals around me and capturing images of these wonders to share with others.


Meraylah Allwood (2022/21/20/18/17/16/14/12/11/09 diaries, 2023/22/20/16 calendars)

Meraylah Allwood lives in the misty lands of the East Wind, where stories come whispering through the reeds. Optimistic tree-planter... All-weather bicycle-traveller... Easily distracted by the thrill of a robin’s song or the merriment of a wren’s antics.

Instagram: @meraylah

Ruth Ames-White (2015/14 diaries)

A mosaic artist and musician living in Somerset. Her work is typically vibrant and colourful incorporating many materials and intricate detail. She designs and produces mosaics for private sale or to commission and has exhibited throughout the UK.


Wendy Andrew (2024/18/14/13/12/11/10/09 diaries, 2019/18 calendar)

Wendy’s paintings are inspired by the ancient mysteries that are wrapped in the turning of the seasons, and the voice of The Goddess whispering through the mythical realms.


Claire Armstrong (2010 diary)

Mother, dancer, participatory artist, Reiki practitioner, writer, workshop organiser, gardener, teacher and lover of life.


Claire Arnold (2024/23/22/20/16 diaries)

Writer, mother, birth worker, yoga teacher and student. I am inspired by working with women and nature to create connection and hope.


Suzanne Arnold (2024/23 diaries)

Wise Woman, Storyweaver, Ceremonialist, Women’s Empowerment Facilitator and Speaker. Following the call of my soul to Reconnect with, Remember and Reclaim the voice and power of the Wise Woman.

Facebook: worldywisewomen

Soraya Ashton (2018 diary, 2018 calendar)

I’m a beekeeping, veggie growing, blanket knitting ecologist turned artst, who photographs, illustrates and studies the natural world.


Chris Auger (2021/17/15 diaries, 2020/19 calendars)

Poet, portrait artist, gardener, rambler, grandmother, I feel lucky to be living in a beautiful valley tucked away in the inspirational Cotswolds. I try to write poetry as often as I can, and publish it online.


Nell Aurelia (2022/21/20/19/17/16/15/14 diaries, 2021 calendar)

is a writer, performer, mother and counsellor living on Dartmoor, Devon. Writing of trauma; transformation; grief, grace and grit; radical self~love; smashing the patriarchy; love affairs with nature.

Facebook: Nell Aurelia Poetry
Instagram: @nellaureliapoetry

Annie Austen-Meek (2017 diary)

Softpots… Free your spirit… Discover the creatively challenging and colourful world of Softpot Making. Experience the simple joy of working with living plants to bring colour and texture to your home and garden. It’s easy, fun and inspiring!




annie b. (2023/21/19/17/16/15/14/13/11 diaries, 2024/20/18/17/16 calendars)

When I paint my heart opens as I connect with all the love of the universe and the beauty around me. I fill my paintings with this wonderful positive energy.

Facebook: annieb.artist
Instagram: @artfromtheheartannieb

Isabelle Baigent (2024 diary, 2024 calendar)

A writer and owner of a Devon-based apothecary specialising in intuitive and seasonal oil blends. I love the wilds, the mystical call to experience this beautiful Earth through writing, folklore and Rose Alchemy. Instagram: @by.isa.rose

Instagram: @by.isa.rose

Rachel Bailey (Pixie Made) (2024/21/19/18/17 diaries)

Jeweller for over 30 years. Inspired by our native wildlife, wild-places and the moon.

Facebook Pixie Made

Wayne Bailey (2019 diary)

I’m an amateur photographer trying to capture the true beauty of the world in the form of a photograph for others to appreciate.

Jo Baker (2023 diary)

I live in Cornwall surrounded by beautiful scenery. Through my paintings I try to capture the mystical moody quality, the changing light and interplay of colour and tone of the local landscape of the moors, sea and woodland.

Gwendolyn Ball (2021/16 diaries)

Student of Alchemy and Transpersonal Psychology. Inspired by the beauty and variety of creation which I explore through many mediums. Involved in my local community and health and wellbeing projects.

Tamsyn Ball (2023 diary)

Based in the lovely Lothians of Scotland I walk, forage and write, inspired by the land and always deepening my connection with the Earth, and hoping to inspire it in others, either through foraged creations or through writing.

Jo Barker (2015/13 diaries)

Passionate Permaculturalist connecting with the Earth from a place of oneness. I design edible wildlife gardens where we are part of the wildlife. I enjoy doing & being lots of other creative things.

Danielle Barlow (2023/20/18/15 diaries, 2018 calendar)

Illustrator, oracle maker, herbwitch and dreamer. My work, rooted deep in the folklore and mythology of this land, explores my relationship with the spirits of the land, and is intended as a love-song to this earth.


Sue Barry (2024/23 diaries, 2025 calendar)

Sue Barry is a mixed media artist, intuitively capturing moments in Nature. Sue enjoys writing poems and her paintings are inspired by the energies of colour. Worked in Community Arts, and a Reiki Master still learning.


Jenny Barton (2020/19/18/17 diaries)

Mother, writer, play therapist; crafting poems inspired by seasons of life and land, health and wellness, connection to people and place, past and present; running creative workshops to explore people’s stories and living well, unwell.


Karen Barton (2024 calendar)

I work with wool and other fibres to create 2D and 3D sculptures and pictures inspired by my love of Dartmoor and my nearby woods, and my passion for birds of prey and nature.

Ann Bates (2019 diary)

Maker of hand built ceramic vessels and tiles inspired by seasonal changes to the landscape, textures from natural objects and carvings on ancient standing stones.


Orla Beaton (2022 diary)

Orla Beaton lives with her family near the shores of Loch Leven in south Perthshire. Her poetry is inspired by relationships, the natural world and the deep quiet found in mindfulness & yoga practice.

Facebook: orlabeatonpoetry

Kate Bedell (2025/24/23/22 diaries, 2025/24/23/22 calendars)

My work is inspired by being out in nature. I have a studio in the old courtyard of Marlay Demesne in Dublin, Ireland, and I work in watercolours and oils. I am a member of the Water Colour Society of Ireland. Commissions accepted.


Christopher Bell (2013/11 diaries)

Since my earliest memory, I have had a pencil or pen in my hand. Dreaming medieval and fantastical tales, playing with wooden swords in the woods, or creating cardboard castles and armour, drawing knights and wizards. The mythical world has always been close to me!

Tass Bell (2019/18 diaries)

Living on the land with permaculture, willow work, and natural horsemanship, celebrating mother earth’s boundless beauty and abundance. Painting the world of spirit, creating magical U.V. environments for trance dance, festivals and special celebrations.


Kate Bellis (2017 diary)

Kate is a documentary photographer who is fascinated by people and cultures who have a strong relationship to the land. This journey has taken her from the Tibetan grasslands to the hill farms of Derbyshire and Northumberland.


Fi Benson (2009 diary)

I write poetry, prose and performance pieces including work for The Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham, and Show of Strength, Bristol. I lead drama workshops and provide creative inspiration for community groups of all ages. I am inspired by sense of place.

Margo Benson (2011 diary)

Artist, jewellery maker and dancer. My work is inspired by the glory of nature, the Celtic festivals and the folk and fairy lore of Britain and Europe.


Michelle Bernard (2023 diary)

I am a spiritual healer, meditator, and editor living in Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire. My poems are inspired by nature and the sacred sites, stone circles, holy wells and coast of my spiritual home: West Penwith, Cornwall.


Kate Berridge (Canary) (2009 diary)

My deep love of the Earth and her children, including animals, expresses itself as survivor, hereditary healing-medium, animal listener, poet, mother, singer-songwriter, musician, environmentalist and artist. My work is reverence, is worship.

Benaifer Bhandari (2012 diary)

I am a dancer, lover, mother, breastfeeding counsellor, Reiki master, home-educator, poet artist and homeopath. I live in Hertfordshire but work with people from all over the country as a good, deep-acting remedy doesn’t need numerous meetings. My inspiration is Spenta Armaiti, Mother Earth, and in her name I breathe and work

Jane Birdsell (2016 diary)

Jane is a writer and photographer exploring landscapes and stories, and making gardens, on the Welsh Border. Her e-book ‘Chaos & Delight: Experiments in a Temporary Garden’ is available from her website.


Rowland Bishop (2021 diary)

A druid and urban peasant, I am blessed to live near the sea and The New Forest. I drum, I sing, I chop wood and I photograph the blessings that I witness.

Aimee Blease-Bourne (2022 diary)

Keen observer and witness to natural seasons, Aimee weaves alternative histories about people, place and nature. She is a writer and artist, with a passion for prehistory and scrap booking.


Rosemary Blenkinsop (2022/21/19/13 diaries, 2019 calendar)

I live in a small town in Derbyshire. I love trees and wildflowers, and volunteer with the local Community Woodland group, planting trees in an old quarry. I also keep bees in the Community Garden, and am helping restore biodiversity to our local Churchyard.

Blue (2013 diary)

My photography is my own instinctive way of capturing the magical and otherworldly. All images are shot on film and not manipulated or ‘photoshoppped’. Therefore, you see them as I experienced them….alive and full of the vital energy of life itself

Facebook: Blue Photographer

Cea Blyth (2010/09 diaries)

Paints solely with earth pigments, enjoying yoga dance movement whilst painting with her body. She is based in a valley on the side of Dartmoor and offers a unique commission service using earth from places that have meaning for you.


Vicky Boase (2025/24/21/20 diaries, 2023 calendar)

Vicky Boase makes stained glass when she isn't earning a living as a hydrologist. Her designs are inspired by the shapes of the land and natural world. More pictures and process on Instagram.

Instagram: @frosterleybazaar

Gillian Boissevain (2020 calendar)

Gillian Mary Boissevain 1930 – 2011 Gillian Mary Boissevain is being presented here by her daughter Siân in her memory to keep her flower paintings blooming and alive. Gillian became a prolific painter of flowers during her recovery from serious illness as her therapy. She was passionate about nature and flowers, painted in water colour only and learnt through classes! Any profits from her artwork goes to the amazing charity Paul Satori who do fantastic work for people with end of life illness.

Sian Boissevain (2019 diary, 2019 calendar)

Sian Boissevain is an Artist/Illustrator/Face Painter/DJ and Poet from wild West Wales! Trained in Wildlife Illustration at Carmarthen Art College in late 70’s early 80’s. Painting mainly in watercolours and experimenting with mixed medias.


Sue Bolshaw (2019 diary, Earth Pathways Sales & Instagram)

I am your contact should you choose to sell our beautiful diary and calendar in your shop. I write our Earth Festival Newsletter, make videos for our Youtube channel and look after our Instagram page.


Julie Bond (2019 Calendar)

Julie comes from Liverpool and grew up on the North-West coast of England. She has been working in the Druid Tradition for over twenty years and has studied with the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD). She now works mainly with the Order of the Sacred Nemeton (OSN), a Druid monastic order.


ChaNan Bonser (2024/23 diaries)

Earth-lover, gardener, healer, therapist, poet and writer. Wayfinder for others through creating space in bodies to become more embodied. Based in Mid Wales. Bringing poetry to the anatomy of bodies.


Graham Booker (2009 diary)

Laura Boomer-Trent (2016 Diary)

Brian Boothby (2025/24/23/22/21/20/19/18/17/16/15/14/13/12/11/10/09 diaries, 2019/18/16 calendars)

Countryman, creative and therapist, nature's ally, trying to reconnect humanity to nature wherever possible.


Laura Bos (2024/23/20/19/17/16/15/14 diaries)

Dweller in the East lands, walker of meadow and hedge, thinker and dreamer. Weaver of words and sometimes a bit arty. Lover of coffee shops and hand-dyed yarns.


Angela Bosanquet (2010/09 diaries)

Mother and grandmother, with a love of nature listening to its changing seasons, openings of perspective offered by other cultures, and gathering life’s strands interweaving alongside working with earth, the creation of community, craft food and medicine.


Fi Botham (2024/21 diaries)

Fi Botham finds inspiration and solace in the countryside; especially most recently the patterns and cycles of ending and renewal. She teaches, writes and enjoys spending time with her family and fluffy rescue dog

Charlotte Bowen (with Pat Childerhouse) (2018 diary)

Pat and Charlotte live in Hove. Charlotte is an amateur photographer who loves to take pictures of her family and scenes from nature. Pat is her grandmother-in-law. She cultivates a tiny garden and an allotment.

Pat Bowen and Sandy Gee (2010 diary)

Sandy and Pat are long time friends who live in Brighton. They share a love of communing with the elements, swimming in the sea and river and celebrating seasonal rituals (with a lovely women’s group) in all weathers. Sandy is a focusing-orientated psychotherapist and life-coach working with a deep regard for our unique inner natures. Pat is a grandmother, allotmenteer, storyteller and leader of guided walks. She has written poems, stories and “20 Sussex Walks” (Snake River Press)

Steph Bown (2015 diary)

We’re all creators in our own right: our art, language, dreams and ideas are born and brought forward. I’m inspired by nature’s light & dark, by everything in between and by our intrinsic connection to it.


Viveka Bowry (2018/16/15/14 diaries)

How does art touch your heart? To experience how it touches mine, visit my website (link below)

Facebook: yoga.landart
Pinterest: vivekabowry

Julie Boyd (2019 calendar)

I coordinate a local community wildlife group organising activities and events within the park. Our group is a valuable project as we recognise the importance of people who live in urban spaces being able to access and experience the green spaces near to them and to participate in activities which draw them closer to the natural environment. It is a chance for the body, mind and spirit to breathe in deeply the magical world of nature that so often goes unnoticed by people living in cities.

Facebook: WhalleyRange4WildlifeAlexParkMCR

Mia Bradbury (2017 calendar)

Mia’s paintings are inspired by the ever present magic in nature; capturing the stillness of a moment under the sky and stars, where ll else is forgotten. Visit her website to see more of her work.

Stephanie Bradley (2014/13/12 diaries)

Stephanie is an artist, poetess, storyteller, and writer closely connected to the Transition Movement since 2007. Her passion is stories, those we tell ourselves and others, and those we use to recreate ourselves each and every day.


Karen Brear (2014 diary)

I am from and live in the North of England. Though based amongst the hills and moors which I find so inspiring, my work also reflects my time spent living in America, I love to work with camera or paintbrush.

Ros Briagha (2012 diary)

Ros is a Green Witch, grannie, astrologer and geomancer, studying and using astrology since 1974. I also make stone circles and sacred space and conduct public and private ceremonies.


Lisa Bridge (2025/24/22/15/14/11/09 diaries)

I am a lover of Earth, a teacher, an artist, wise woman and creator of the 'Power Stone Cards'. I hope inspire and empower others through creative exploration, movement and spiritual connection to the land.

Instagram: @rainbow_shaman

Kay Bridger (2009 diary, 2017 calendar)

Kay writes for pleasure and to express her delight in the natural world. She dreams of writing for a living one day…

Tina Bridgman (2012/10 diaries)

Singer/Songwriter, teacher, workshop facilitator. I am influenced and inspired by nature, the the divine essence and connection of all things, by acts of peace and kindness, by the power of love and by the miracle of life.


Denise Bristow (2025/23/18/15/14/11/10/09 diaries, 2022/18 calendars)

As a writer and a guardian of our community woodland I feel the story of this remakable transformation needs to be heard.


Matthew Bristow (2018/16 diaries)

I find our Pagan, Celtic and Viking heritage a big source of inspiration for my artwork. I like to bring a sense of energy and life into my paintings.

Ruth Brocklehurst (2019/18 diaries)

I am fascinated by the patterns that link and lie between all things. I love making art and communicating through image. Currently I’m exploring the landscape Zodiac in the Preseli mountains.

Instagram: @ruthbrocklehurst1
Twitter: @RuthBrocklehur3
Facebook: Ruth Brocklehurst Astrology

Lindy Brook Tweed (2023/22/21/18/14/11/09 diaries, 2021 calendar)

I love supporting our beautiful planet in many creative and practical ways. For the past few years I’ve co created Breathing Space at Stanmer Organics near Brighton – a semi-wild garden which provides a quiet space for visitors to connect with nature.


Dixey Brooks (2013 diary, 2017 calendar)

Dixey is an artist living in Ceredigion, Wales. She paints colourful, flowing dreamscapes, birds, animals and portraits on canvas, wood and paper. She also specializes in Maiolica Ceramic art and dances Flamenco.


Broughty Ferry Environmental Project (2011 diary)

BFEP works with local volunteers to enable them to undertake environmental, cultural and art projects linked to the earth and sea. Marie Riley and Ann Lolley love to create the space for like minded folk to celebrate seasonal rituals outdoors in the wild Scottish weather.


Carolyn Brown (2010 diary)

I’ve walked the earth path all my life to stone circles, sacred wells, trees, moors and caves. I read tarot, work with crystals and make medicine doll goddesses as a celebration of life.

Keli Brown (2014/13 diaries)

Living in the beautiful Peak District I seek creative and inspiring ways to bring the land and people together, then explore how we can share these experiences. I write, draw, dance, sing, and lead local seasonal events as @WalkTheWheel.

Twitter: @walkthewheel

Kerry Brown (2025 didary)

Kerry is a wild wanderer who is inspired by windswept beaches, cool rain and golden sunshine


Julie Bruton-Seal (2014 diary)

I am a practising medical herbalist, photographer, writer, artist and gardener. I have written, illustrated and designed three books on herbs with my husband, Matthew Seal, and am currently embarking on a fourth.


Ceridwen Buckmaster (2017/14 diary)

Ceridwen is a group facilitator, mediator and writer. Her work is based in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), a process that facilitates clear and transparent interpersonal communication, greater understanding of trauma and compassionate holding of conflicts.


Sam K. Buller (2018 diary, 2020 calendar)

My passion for creating art is an addiction which makes my soul sing. I aim to create unique pieces which bring a sense of relaxation and peace, because everyone deserves a moment to just rest, relax, look and breathe.


Jules Burrell (2022/21 diaries)

Jules Burrell works as an Acupuncturist in Penrith. Blessed to live in the beautiful Eden Valley, Cumbria, my poems are birthed communing in quiet contemplation with the river Eden, or with my special trees or sitting on top of the Lakeland fells.


Rebecca Bush (2022 diary, 2023 calendar)

Rebecca Bush is a Surrey artist who seeks creative inspiration and spiritual sustenance in both the leafy and oceanic wonders of Mother Earth (especially with a four-legged friend at her side!) Email for classes/workshops, prints and commissions.
