Wise Woman, Storyweaver, Ceremonialist, Women’s Empowerment Facilitator and Speaker. Following the call of my soul to Reconnect with, Remember and Reclaim the voice and power of the Wise Woman.
Facebook: worldywisewomen
Website: suzannearnold.co.uk
Once upon a time there was a wise old woman who lived in the forest. She knew every tree, plant, root and its use in healing and earth magic. Her friends were the great Oak, the dancing Birch and the Mother Beech; the wolf, the fox, the owl and the deer. She told the time by the path of the sun, the cycle of the moon and the turning of the wheel of the year and always gave thanks to the Elements and the Great Mother. She saw and knew things others did not. Her craft was handed down through the generations, from grandmother to granddaughter. Healer and midwife, bringing in new life and blessing the passing of departing souls.
Times change. The words witch, hag and crone, meaning wise, holy, crowned, became words of fear and hate, used to denigrate and destroy her reputation and the respect her community held her in. Women were killed in their thousands because of the power of their voices and their knowledge. Generations on, the Wise Woman lives on in us and will once again have a voice. The Wise Woman is rising. Reclaiming her title and her place. Leading from her heart with a fierce love to bring balance back to our beautiful world.
The Wise Woman is Rising © Suzanne Arnold 2022
In a time before time, when the Mother needed them, the women of the Land would gather in a special place, light the ceremonial fire and speak the sacred words and all would be well.
Over time, the call of the Mother was heeded less. The women no longer heard it; divided and bound they no longer recognised Her call. Some women heard and, although they no longer knew the place, they lit the fire and said the sacred words and all was well. They tried to tell the other women but were silenced.
Over time, when the call came, just one woman answered it. She’d forgotten the place and how to light the fire but remembered the words and all was well. She told her daughters but they could not hear.
Over time, the Mother called again and again but the women could no longer hear. Her calls became louder and louder. The women began to hear them with their hearts. They began to talk to each other and to remember a feeling of connection to the Mother deep within their souls.
Over time, the women heeded Her calls. They gathered all over the Land in special places and they lit the ceremonial fires and they spoke the sacred words from their hearts and they knew all would be well.
The Call of the Mother © Suzanne Arnold 2021