Earth Pathways Contributors | F - G - H - I



Anne Fallas (2015 diary)

I am at home with the spirit of nature, content amidst the trees and grasses, the flowers, moon and stars. This affinity fuels my writing, it is the source of my novel ‘The Earth Changes’, also the sequel I am currently writing. It is present in my magazine articles and blogs.


Lindsay Farley (2011/10 diaries, 2016/17 calendars)

Lindsay is a therapist, mother, druid, poet and teacher. She takes her inspiration from the many faces of the Goddess, the voices of the forest and the process of renewal in the land and in people.


Saffia Farr (2014 diary)

Saffia is a mother of three and editor of Juno, a magazine which focuses on a natural approach to family life. Saffia is inspired by Nature and silence, and aims always to trust and follow her instincts.

Anna Fauzy-Ackroyd (2020/19 diaries)

My home is Ryde, Isle of Wight. I paint in oils, enjoying the flow of the shapes and colours that emerge. In life, I am inspired by the expanding circles of connections that are created when we follow our heart.


Natalie Fee (2011 diary)

Trained in yoga, feng shui and energy awareness, natalie is passionate about bringing people the energy they need for positive change. Personal consultations, empowerment tours, writing and workshops. Info and free resources.

Cherry Ferris / Fairiewood Art (2025/24/23/22/21/20 diaries, 2025/23/22 calendars)

‘Fairiewood Art’ is Devon Artist Cherry Ferris, who is inspired by colour, nature and the magic of the land. Cherry enjoys experimenting with all mediums and anything that Glitter & Shines.


Paul Fletcher (2011 diary)

Paul has lived in Glastonbury for nine years where he is Archivist at Chalice Well Trust and Editor of their journal. In 2009 he edited and co-wrote ‘Chalice Well – Story of a Living Sanctuary’. He is also an Esoteric Soul Healer.

Rose Flint (2010 diary)

Rose is a poet-Priestess of Avalon and Ceremonialist at the Goddess Conference, Glastonbury. Her latest collection of poetry is Mother of Pearl (published by PSAvalon) full of wonderful women: healers, hags, mothers, daughters – combined with a deep sense of Gaia in crisis.

Carol Florence (2014 diary)

Carol is a storyteller, storymaker and storywriter, and lives in the Welsh Marches with her children. She creates magical story circles and story workshops to explore care for ourselves, for our communities, and for the Earth


Alexandra Florschutz (2017/12 diaries, 2017 calendar)

Alex paints about being a woman – a journey to find the Source of a woman’s power, the feminine spirit, which thrived in the more female oriented cultures, only to be superseded by the patriarchal way of life. She wonders how women can retain the true nature of their gender while navigating our masculine driven world.


Danu Forest (2014/10 diaries)

Danu has been a Celtic Wisewoman and Shaman for over 20 years. A distinguished magical teacher, she has published three books: ‘Nature Spirits’, ‘Celtic Tree Magic’ and ‘The Druid Shaman’.


Julie Fowkes (2022/21/20/19 diaries, 2020 calendar)

As a watercolour artist and felt-maker I find inspiration from my cottage garden and local countryside. I love experimenting with colour and texture in my work. You can find out more on the links below:

Instagram: @rosecottagedesign

Danu Fox (2010/09 diary)

A singer, voice coach, shamanic practitioner, healer, and workshop facilitator with a flair for bringing people to the essence of things. “I love pure voices, prayer, Raag, Flamenco, all music which comes straight from the heart”.

Emma Foxcroft (2011 diary)

Abstract colour works and textile art inspired by my relationship to landscape, nature and mythology. Using creativity to explore and express the journey of the soul.

Alexi Francis (2024/17/15/14 diaries, 2018 calendar)

I long to live close to wild nature. I love to draw, paint, dance and write and like collecting and using natural materials in my paintings.


Maren Freeland (2024/21/19/18 diaries, 2021 calendar)

Maren Freeland lives close to the earth at Landmatters Permaculture community. She is passionate about empowering change and offers Work that Reconnects, Systemic Embodied Coaching and Resilience skills.


Harry Fricker (2025 diary)

I am a landscape photographer based in Cornwall. My artwork reveres Mother Earth, Pachamama, The Great Spirit.

Hannah Fries (2019 diary, 2025 calendar)

Hannah is the author of Earthheart, a YA novel (for adults too!), a tale of survival, community and the forest. Glennie Kindred's review is included on the back cover! Order from my email address below.


Nicky Fyleman (2014 diary)

Still Somehow Photography. A great lover of Nature, Nicky can often be found, camera in hand, exploring the wonders of her home valleys, the Cotswolds. She hopes her photographs may inspire people to engage with Nature and protect it.



Herewood Gabriel (2012 diary)

I have been drawing since I was 5 and painting properly since I was 23 when I learnt a technique I still use today called ‘Soulscapes’, revealing images from the unconscious.


Lula Garner (2018/17/16/15/14/13 diaries)

I work as a developer of people. I dance as an explorer. I practise yoga and meditation as a peacemaker. I write as a seeker. I hold my family as a mother, daughter, partner, sister, friend, homemaker, healer.


Estelle Garstang (2023/21 diaries)

A poet, singer and lover of Nature, I seek out green spaces whenever I can and try to capture the feeling the natural world gives me in words and song, in order to honour and express the joy it gives me.

Amanda Gazidis (2013/10/09 diaries)

I am a daydreamer, an artist, a resident of the earth. I am passionate about sustainability and our Earth Mother. I write, take pictures, illustrate and teach Forest School. I am an adventurer and explorer of art and life.


Sandy Gee and Pat Bowen (2010 diary)

Sandy and Pat are long time friends who live in Brighton. They share a love of communing with the elements, swimming in the sea and river and celebrating seasonal rituals (with a lovely women’s group) in all weathers. Sandy is a focusing-orientated psychotherapist and life-coach working with a deep regard for our unique inner natures. Pat is a grandmother, allotmenteer, storyteller and leader of guided walks. She has written poems, stories and “20 Sussex Walks” (Snake River Press)

Tom Genders (2019 calendar)

With a passion for painting since school, I have focused in recent years on ancient trees, Quercus is an allegorical painting, containing symbols with personal meaning and wider conversations about the interaction between humans and the planet we call home.


Nicola Gibbs (2023/21/20/19 diaries, 2022 calendar)

Nature lover, photographer and artist living in the depths of rural Dorset. Through my work I seek to capture the true spirit of the land and encourage others to immerse themselves more deeply in the healing powers of Mother Nature.


Caroline Glazebrook (2024 diary)

I love to see people shining their authentic light. I help people to know how to open the gate to their heart and become their own beacon of guiding light, fully aligned with their soul's purpose.

Lorraine Goodison (2023 diary, 2023 calendar)

Sixty-plus years of living in Scotland, sixty-plus years of loving the land, trying to express my feelings through words, art and song.


Karina Goodman (2018 diary, 2019 calendar)

Artist, Illustrator & Children's Author.  Atmospheric, mystical, colourful landscapes. “With a passion for walking, a love of the hills and calling of the sea I’m never short of inspiration”.  Love my VW camper Freddy and my dog Bruno. Vegan. 


Emma Goodwin (2012 diary)

Decorative artist, maker, grower, Emma holds workshops for adults with special needs, teaches Robin Hood style felting, cannot keep her hands off the earth, finds herself smiling while weeding, is beginning to commune with trees, and loves to dance.

Suzi Goose (2018/15/14/13/12/11/10/09 diaries)

See Edwards-Goose, Suzi

Corrina Gordon-Barnes (2012/11/10 diaries)

Supports women in finding and following their passion so that they can make a true difference in the world. She is a coach, writer, speaker and workshop facilitator.


Andrea Graham (2012/11 diaries)

Photographer, Digital Artist, Healer, Facilitator. With photographs I am merely capturing the energy that has called me and made me smile; and smiles are for sharing.


Mark Graham (2014 diary)

Mark is a Druid, astrologer and ecologist. He manages nature reserves, woodlands and wildlife sites and is a director of the Nature Reserve Burial company. The company runs Sunrising Natural Burial Ground in Warwickshire.


Joanna Grant (2020 diary, 2021 calendar)

Led by her love of the stars, Joanna offers clients guidance at life’s thresholds, opening the way to self- empowerment and healing, helping others to lead a more authentic and magical life.

Facebook: courtastrologer

Zak Gratton (2024 calendar)

I'm a nature lover, musician, forager and adventurer based in Somerset.


Ruth Gray (2020/19/18/17 diaries, 2021/17 calendars)

Ruth Gray is a mixed media artist based in Derbyshire. The subjects that really inspire her have a sense of history; townscapes, or landscapes, rolling skies and hidden corners. She loves the moods of nature and the weather and seasons.


Diana Green (2025 diary)

Diana explores our relationship with Mother Earth through beautiful studies of our trees and land created using paints made from rocks, soils as well as plant inks.


Lindsey Green (2011 diary)

Living life creatively gives me a sense of being. The Arts and Tai Chi are my creative mediums, inquisitiveness and curiosity my friend. With nature in mind I am growing, recycling, amassing alternative energies – taking responsibility for my place on earth.

Lisa Green (2020/19/11 diaries)

Artist and Mother, capturing the essence of our natural world and sharing that love through paint, stitch and words. It’s all about the light, the ephemeral, water, trees, togetherness, wild spaces, and ‘magic’.


An Greenheart (2011 diary)

I am co-creator of ‘Wild Medicine Flower Essences’. I share this beautiful work on retreats run with Glennie Kindred and Sophie Knock. I am also the proprietor of ‘Wild Rose Bakery’ for heavenly cakes.

Cora Greenhill (2009 diary)

A writer, artist and teacher of expressive dance based in Derbyshire. She also works with labyrinths and has a long term relationship with Crete where she now has a second home, writes and runs courses.


Faye Greening (2019/17/15 diaries)

Passionate about connecting with nature and the Spirit Beings that reside in the unseen realms. I tune into nature to receive guidance from Devas and try to capture the spirit of the beautiful world we live in through my paintings.


Paul Greenwood (2016 diary)

Paul has passionately researched the science and spirituality of Yews since 1991. He is a co-founder member of the Ancient Yew Group.

Facebook: yewtreesbritain

Rosemary Greenwood (2011 diary)

Rosemary is a person centred therapist, Reiki healer and earth activist who feels called to honour the wise ancestors who conceived the stone circles and other megalithic monuments Britin is so richly endowed with, who must have seen this earth as a living entity.


David Greygoose (2023 diary)

Author of Brunt Boggart: A Tapestry of Tales (Pushkin) and Mandrake Petals and Scattered Feathers: Tales from the Forest and Beyond (Hawkwood)

Amanda Griffiths (2020/18 diaries)

Born in the beautiful Forest of Dean, I am at my happiest in wild woods and wild water. I’m a passionate vegan and deeply committed to extending our circle of compassion to the whole Web of Life.


Caroline GullyLir (2010 diary)

Priestess of Avalon, Resident Artist at the Goddess Temple in Glastonbury and Temple Dancer. She is blessed to live in the Avebury Landscape and surrounding crop circles (available as tour guide of circles ancient and seasonal!)


Kamini Gupta (2024/23/20/12 diaries, 2024/25 calendars)

Mine is an intuitive quest, exploring the still point and the dance, to connect with the pulse of the earth. A pilgrimage to Source, a prayer to the Beauty of Creation and medicine for the Soul.

Etsy: soulartalchemist

Joanna Guthrie (2017/09 diaries)

Joanna’s first collection ‘Billack’s Bones’ was published by RIALTO in 2007: available from She’s currently completing ‘Hurricane Season’, a New Writing Partnership travelogue/biography/meditation about the Florida Keys.


Julia Guthrie (2013 diary)

My work is inspired not only by my metaphysical beliefs, but also by my love of the Cornish myths, legends, and the magical landscapes that I am lucky enough to be surrounded by.




Nicola Haasz (2024 diary)

I am a witch, priestess and amateur historian, telling the stories of Sabrina, Goddess of the River Severn. I honour her sacred waters, weaving earth magic, between the Forest of Dean and the Cotswolds, connecting to our ancient past.

Facebook: SabrinaRiverGoddess

Susan Elizabeth Hale (2018/15 diaries)

Susan Elizabeth Hale is an internationally renowned music therapist and author. She is the creator of Earth Day - Sing for the Trees, an annual global event every April 22nd. Her latest book is Emma Oliver and the Song of Creation.


Debra Hall (2025/24/23/21/19/18 diaries)

I live in a beautiful glen in Southwest Scotland. I am a poet, artist, mindfulness teacher and rites of passage guide. My audio meditations and poetry can be found on my teacher's page at My website is


Polly Hall (2023/19 calendars)

Polly Hall is a writer, poet and emerging artist. Her award- winning debut gothic horror novel, The Taxidermist's Lover (2020), is set on the Somerset Levels. She is interested in poetry, film, podcasting, meditation and sacred spaces.

Summer Hall (2022 diary)

I love to write. It reconnects me to who I am beyond what everyone wants me to be. This, the free-spirited, the wild beauty of earth and the wise women who wrote before me sustain and heal me.

Helen Hallows (2021 diary)

Helen Hallows is based in the heart of the UK - her colourful, uplifting art is inspired by the seasons. Helen’s superpower is nurturing creativity - she shares her passion for creativity, teaching in person and online.


Sarah Halstead (2018/16/15/13 diaries)

Sarah is inspired by the natural world, which is healing and life affirming to her, whether it is in her garden or the surrounding countryside. Sharing these magical moments through painting, photography and printmaking is her spiritual path.


Janet Hammerton (2025/24/23 diaries, 2023 calendar)

I have lived in a Hampshire valley under a beech wood for 35 years. I create paintings, illustrations and pottery pieces. I hope to tread lightly and connect deeply to our beautiful earth and as an environmental educator I encourage others to do the same.


Beryl Hanley (2014 diary)

Druid, organic gardener, naturopath and wildlife photographer for many years. Part of the network of the Living Spirit that invests in all life. Living by the Druid Triads and the Ravens Rede.


Karon Harcom (2019 calendar)

An artist who enjoys painting and working with wood, antler and bone.  A seeker, inspired by nature and the elements, the wild places, the ancestors and the edges.


Louise Hardman (2012 diary)

Dwelling in misty loughed Fermanagh, the seasons wear their colours proudly, delighting the eye, ear and hand. Ivory coloured whoopers wend their talkative way to damp, reedy lough shores; badgers display their smart rural pinstripes. A hand weaver’s paradise.

Louise Hargreaves (2025/24 diaries)

Reiki teacher, spiritual artistic photographer, writer and poet, celebrating the natural world. I love to inspire human hearts to the awe, mystery, sacredness of life, and inherent divinity within, the wondrous gift of life that you are.


Jane Harland (2017 diary)

Jane is a piano teacher who lives in Congleton, Cheshire. She also writes poetry, often inspired by nature and also by the Druid path she follows. Other interests include playing the Celtic harp, country walks and veggie cooking.

Maddy Harland (2025/24/23/22/20/19/18/11/10/09 diaries, 2022/17/16 calendars)

I publish books, co-founded Permaculture Magazine in 1992 and I live in a woodland sanctuary in north Devon with dormice, pied flycatchers and other rare creatures. My passion is to leave it in better heart than when I arrived.


Tim Harland (2009 diary)

Tim is the publishing director of Permanent Publications and is founding editor of Permaculture Magazine. He lives, loves and gardens on the South Downs in Hampshire.


Louise Harrington (2018/17 diaries)

Louise lives in Ireland where she fills her time with family life, human rights work and sustains her soul with time in nature and quilt making. She is interested in marking life’s events in personal and uniquely crafted gatherings.


Judith Harrison (2011/10 diaries)

I am a printmaker inspired by the landscape, its mythology and inhabitants, human and animal, real and imadginary.


Celia Harvey (2014/13/12/11 diary)

My art is inspired by nature and my connection with her. She is always a mystery, always leading me forward. Sometimes I lose my sense of connection and it is through my art that I find my way.


Claire Hattersley (202/15 diaries)

I’ve been a passionate Biodynamic gardener at Weleda for over 20 years and have come to love and respect our sacred soil more and more with each passing year.

Fiona Heckels (2013 diary)

Fiona is a green witch, herbalist, wanderer of the fields and hedgerows, living and working in Dorset. She runs workshops and apprenticeships with her fellow herbalist and witch sister, Karen, as Sensory Solutions, touring festivals as Witch Theatre, spreading the herbal word.


Vishwam Gurudas Heckert (2025/22 diaries)

Vishwam Gurudas Heckert is a heart meditation facilitator, yoga teacher and trainer, heart minister, writer and wellbeing coach living in Shetland. He teaches online & in person, including special retreats in Scotland, England and beyond.

Instagram: @flowingwithlife

Sean Hellman (2010 diary)

Woodworker, photographer and green woodwork teacher living on Dartmoor


Erica Hemming (2010 diary)

My artwork is illustrative, colourful and influenced by dreams, folktales, nature, a word, phrase or a stunning moment in time. My illustrations do not take themselves too seriously, but instead have a slightly surreal, fantastical or humorous quality.


Susan Hickey (2021/19/18/13 diaries, 2018/17 calendars)

Through my drawings and paintings I find myself capturing that ‘Something Else’ from Nature, the Elements, Moon, Sun, Planets, Seasons, and other Magical Beings who might just want to pop in!


Meggie Hiley (2013/12 diaries)

Meggie works as a translator, lecturer and writer. She has published poems in Goddess Pages, Earth Love Poetry Magazine and Phoenix. Her poetry tried to capture the emotional and spiritual connection with times and places.


Linda Hill (2024/23/22/21/17 diaries)

I am an artist and I create oracles and tarot decks with my own artwork.

Instagram: @redseedsart

Bob Hillary (2020 diary)

Bob Hillary is a folk singer-songwriter and beekeeper who makes music that is earthy, soulful & simple. His songs have a message of ‘Simplification’ and ‘Back to Roots’ running strongly through them. You can check out his music & writings on his website.


Shari Hills (2025 diary)

I work from my garden studio - both painting and ceramics, in the Tamar Valley. Exhibiting my work and teaching watercolour is a joy.

Etsy: ShariHillsArt

Carolyn Hillyer (2020/15/14/13/12/11/10/09 diaries, 2016 calendar)

Carolyn Hillyer is a writer, musician, artist and workshop teacher during the last 30 years. She lives in the heart of high hills and wild moors which directly spill into everything she creates. More details and programme from her website.


Irene Hirons (2025/24 diaries)

I paint most days and am inspired by colour and nature. I love to experiment with different media and unusual techniques mostly using watercolour or acrylic but with some added sparkle!

Instagram: @irenehirons
Facebook: irenehironsart

Abi Hirschmann (2009 diary)

I am an embroiderer, artist, and maker; moved and inspired by our connection to the Earth.


Judith Hoad (2016/12/11 diaries)

In my garden, below the Studio, (which has a fully equipped kitchen and sleeps 6-8 people), is a beautiful, circular timber and cob building that seats 12 people. Both are available to hire. Whoofers welcome.


Vici Hoban Read (2025 diary, 2025/23 calendars)

Vici Hoban Read is a writer, musician, Writing for Wellbeing & Writing in Nature group facilitator and Forest School Leader based in Surrey.


Kristina Höijer (2014 diary)

Landscape architect and witch. Dances with Mother Earth and all her different faces. Gets inspiration from riding in the wild beech forest. Enchanted by labyrinths. Creates magic and world peace with her knitting needles. Holds Moon circles and workshops.


Thea Holly (2023/19 diaries)

For the past thirty years I have created opportunities for psychic and spiritual growth facilitating workshops developing our links with vibrational support networks, Nature Spirits and the healing energy of the Earth.


Deborah Holman (2013 diary)

Ever since she could pick up a pencil Deborah has had a passion for drawing and painting. Deborah is a self-taught artist heavily influenced by the natural world. Celtic Myths and Legends, particularly those surrounding trees, are a valued inspiration.

Phil Holmes (2009 diary)

Druid teacher, woodturner, astrologer, tarot reader & teacher.


Misha Homayoun-Fekri (2022 diary)

I enjoy capturing moments spontaneously on my camera when out walking with my dogs. I take these moments home with me and either paint or print the mood that flows from there. I am based in Ceredigion.

Jane Hood (2020 diary, 2020 calendar)

I am a mixed media painter using among other things, watercolour, spray paint, oil paint, pastels and collage. Often all on the same painting! My pictures have a strong sense of place. And that place is currently Somerset.

Gilly Hopson (2025/21/20/19 diaries)

Woodland wanderer and photographic artist residing in rural North Dorset. Through my images I seek to capture the true spirit of the land in order to encourage others to immerse themselves more deeply in the healing powers of nature.


Jules Horn (2019/18/17/16/15 diaries)

You’ll find Jules in her caravan oftentimes, a novice Crone, creating all manner of stuff – daubing and patching, harping and trilling, moulding and chiselling, sparking and dreaming. The coffee is on, door’s open...


Juliette Horner (2022 calendar)

I am an Ayurvedic and natural health coach. I find joy and wellbeing in nature, and the simple things in life. I love to create illustrations with watercolour at :

Elsa Houghton (2021 diary)

Elsa Houghton grew up in Rotterdam where she studied Fine Art. She settled in the Midlands after meeting her (now) husband on a student exchange with Stourbridge Art College. A great love for landscape and trees is evident in the images she creates.

Jenny Howarth (2013 diary)

My therapy work as a Homeopath was the start of a healing journey, which led me to love the ancient sites of Ilkley Moor where I live. My special range of essences draws deeply on these flower and vibrational energies


Tess Howell (2024/23/22/21/16/15/10/09 diaries, 2021 calendar)

Tess Howell runs Wild Moves events taking people dancing outdoors in areas of outstanding natural beauty using silent disco. She is a Buddhist Eco Chaplain, Arts Producer, Rites of Passage Guide and accomplished writer.

Instagram: @tesswildmoves

Nathaniel Hughes (2016 diary)

A herbalist who runs the School of Intuitive Herbalism from a beautiful Apothecary at Ruskin Mill near Stroud. His passion is in opening people’s awareness to plant wisdom and witnessing the catalytic healing that unfolds from these human-plant relationships.


Jo Hume (2014 diary)

Inspiration comes from elemental moments in wild spaces and quiet moments in my garden. These visual triggers find a life of their own through the action of working paint on canvas and become a trace memory of time, place and feeling.

Joseph Hunwick (2011 diary)

Joseph specialises in Photography and Natural Perfumery. He is also a qualified Chinese Herbalist and Acupuncturist.




Flora IkiGaia (2023 diary)

Flora IkiGaia is inspired by the spirited natural world, permaculture, interconnectedness, and the magic of plants, fungi and mystical beings. Her wild wish is to inspire people to reconnect with nature and themselves.

Facebook: ikiGaia.arts