Bob Hillary is a folk singer-songwriter and beekeeper who makes music that is earthy, soulful & simple. His songs have a message of ‘Simplification’ and ‘Back to Roots’ running strongly through them. You can check out his music & writings on his website.
I’m learning to live at a different pace,
I’m learning to live from a different place,
A place that is gentle, connected & Strong
Like the roots of this Oak tree, singing its song.
No rush, no fuss, I am solid and Here.
Grounded. Unbounded. No room for fear.
This is the new way, the Warrior’s tune
Give - LOVE - but Strong & True.
I slow myself down, there is no shame
In taking time to tend myself.
I garden my Soul - like I garden the Soil...
Softly, but surely - with my own bare hands.
Extract from: Soul Gardening © Bob Hillary 2018