Jane Harland

Jane is a piano teacher who lives in Congleton, Cheshire. She also writes poetry, often inspired by nature and also by the Druid path she follows. Other interests include playing the Celtic harp, country walks and veggie cooking.

Diary 2017

The wood brings together
time past and time to come,
the hour-glass pivot-point
of shifting sand;
this moment where I stand
eyes closed, letting time fuse.

A meeting place of roots and feet
where Autumn roars its fury,
drowning out all sound
save for itself and the hoarse
kaahr, kaahr of rooks;
black rags that swirl and dive
and make the wind their own.

I am caught in this apex,
crossed-road of time and space
where all things meet and meld
where all befores and afters disappear,
become this now, this moment,
this herein of being.

Being © Jane Harland