Paul Greenwood

Paul has passionately researched the science and spirituality of Yews since 1991. He is a co-founder member of the Ancient Yew Group.

Facebook: yewtreesbritain

Diary 2016

Extraordinary is definitely a word that can truly be said to describe the Yew. Although ALL trees are, of course, important and vital in their own ways, nonetheless it cannot be denied that the Yew is something biologically, culturally and visually exceptional. On the Facebook page for Yews which I created ( the ethos is to let the Yew ‘speak for itself’ as far as possible through a wide variety of images with some small pieces of writing throwing in little snippets of information and curiosities for additional interest. It also serves as another little string to the bow in raising awareness of Yews; not just their extraordinariness but also letting people see what we will lose if we are not careful about protecting what is a Noah’s Ark of ancient and sacred Yews in Britain – a Yew heritage which is the envy of Europe. I am also anxious to dispel the often quoted fallacy that Yews are 'gloomy' or 'funereal' trees. They are not, as anyone who has spent time with any and/or photographed them know all too well. I encourage people to not just spend time with Yews but in that time to look more closely at them, to let some of their detail be a spur to the imagination and take folk away from their toils and troubles for a little while.

The Yew Tree © Paul Greenwood 2015