Judith Hoad

In my garden, below the Studio, (which has a fully equipped kitchen and sleeps 6-8 people), is a beautiful, circular timber and cob building that seats 12 people. Both are available to hire. Whoofers welcome.

Website: livingearth.com

Diary 2016

Ecokin. It’s a word I coined to denote all living beings, for I feel all of them are my relations. This is my belief, and while I’m not here to impose my ideas on you, I’m sure many of you feel this as closely as I do. All other living beings are my ecokin and yours. That’s what I believe.

For me, a large component of consciousness is intelligence. All cells are imbued with intelligence – how else would they know what to be? Deepak Chopra has dealt with this subject in detail and has convincing arguments for this to be the case. He says: “It is….obvious that no-one is ever going to find a particle, however minute, that nature has labelled ‘intelligence’. This is all the more apparent when we realise that all the matter on our bodies, large or small, has been designed with intelligence as a built-in feature.”

You’ve heard of people who claim that their houseplants respond to them when they speak to them – well, all our outdoors relations do, as well. After all, if Masaru Emoto can charge water with an idea and thereby change its molecular structure, we can do the same for a living plant. Cup your hands around a Daisy, or lay your palm on the trunk of a tree and send it Love and Gratitude for enhancing your life, and in return you will enhance those lives you’ve blessed with your caring words.

Our Ecokin and Us © Judith Hoad

One rainy October evening, I finished reading a book by Masaru Emoto, in which he wrote about the high proportion of water in our bodies and also, a fact he kept emphasising, that the most consistently beautiful crystal he and his technicians ever saw, from repeated experiments, was from water that had been exposed to the idea of Love and Gratitude. The morning after I had finished the book, I had to go out. When I got out of the car to open the gate, I glanced back along my unkempt lane and saw the jewels of water glinting in the early morning sunshine on the seedheads of the reeds bordering the lane and felt a wave of Love and Gratitude wash over me. As I turned again to get into the car, it occurred to me that I could send Love and Gratitude to all the water in my body for the Gift of Life. I closed my eyes and stood for a minute or two and did just that. The sense of well-being was so powerful, I decided then and there to tell as many people as I could about the experience. I’d like you to experience it too. Please close your eyes and send Love and Gratitude to all the water in your body, for the Gift of Life…… and extend that to all your Ecokin, by sending Love and Gratitude to all the water in their bodies, for the Gift of their Lives……………

© Judith Hoad