Moon in Aries activates fiery passion and self-motivation, especially when initiating new projects. Ruled by dynamic Mars, this is a red-hot-yang heroic, courageous Moon, with a cause to champion.
Moon in Taurus gifts the growing of food and flowers, as well as the stability of loving relationship, all of which nourishes both body and soul. Ruled by sensuous Venus, this earthy, yin Moon highlights simple but treasured pleasures.
Moon in Gemini stimulates an open mind and transparent communication. Ruled by messenger Mercury, information can be quickly transmitted and easily absorbed during this yang airy Moon. Good for day trips and exploring community.
Moon in Cancer invokes memories and tender feelings. Ruled by the sensitive Moon, emotions can ebb and flow during this yin, water sign Moon, which accents security, home, and compassion to nurture all beings, including yourself.
Moon in Leo arouses playfulness, drama, and artistic expression. Ruled by the life-giving Sun, creativity is heightened - as is LOVE and romance. This fiery, yang Moon sign opens the heart and is most convivial for social gatherings.
Moon in Virgo assists when healing and creating order. Ruled by Mercury, this earthy, yin Moon promotes perfection in mind and body through wholesome routine and diet, which enables one to be more effective, and of greater practical service to humanity.
Moon in Libra inspires peaceful and harmonious relationships, in love, as well as business. This yang, air-sign Moon is ruled by Venus, bestowing an appreciation of art, beauty, and both sides of any given situation, where compromise is vital.
Moon in Scorpio deepens intense emotions that can lead to powerful transformation. Ruled by Pluto, this yin water sign moon has a profound psychic quality, accenting intimacy and shared financial ventures that yield strong results.
Moon in Sagittarius fosters optimism, faith and freedom. Dynamic and yang in nature, this happy-go-lucky Moon sign is ruled by far-sighted Jupiter, enabling you to see the bigger picture and remain true to your beliefs.
Moon in Capricorn solidifies the potential to achieve lasting results by accepting responsibility. Ruled by the wise Lord of Karma, Saturn, this earthy Moon sign accents the cosmic law of cause and effect. Discipline, combined with positive action, yields greater recognition.
Moon in Aquarius encourages team work and co-operation. Ruled by eccentric Uranus, this moon is airy and yang, rousing individuality amongst kindred spirits. Inspired by humanitarian altruism, doing what is best for others also provides rewards for oneself.
Moon in Pisces encourages deep sensitivity, compassion, and loving kindness. Ruled by Neptune, feelings can be oceanic and the imagination phantasmagorical; there is an urge to merge with the Divine within, through spiritual service, music and dance, prayer and yoga.
© Laura Boomer-Trent 2015
Moon phase rhyme:
Horns in the East and we’re in for a feast.
Horns in the West and we shall have a rest!
A Moon cycle, as it circles through all twelve signs of the zodiac, begins at the New Moon – when Luna conjuncts the Sun. This cycle of the ‘Lights’, or ‘Luminaries’, is called ‘a lunation’; each lunation is approximately 29 days, depending upon the speed of the Moon’s motion, which can vary throughout the seasons. Every Moon cycle presents eight very definite windows of opportunity to regularly open every month; the lunar portals act as markers for significant passages in our lives. It is with the Moon that we note times to sow the seeds of intention, to grow, cut back, and celebrate a harvest. Each lunation is also divided into two: from New to Full Moon, the Moon is waxing, dynamic and yang in energy, culminating as compassion in action, and seen rising in the right hand side of the sky; from Full to Dark Moon it is waning, receptive and yin, replete with wisdom and awareness, rising in the left-hand side of the sky.
The New Moon, when Sun conjuncts Luna we cannot see the Moon; it is a powerful time of hidden potency and below-the-surface germination. Setting an intention and starting projects infuses determination to innovate and develop, culminate and give good yield.
The Crescent Moon reflects Sun’s light pointing horns into the East. Seeds planted at the Dark/New Moon begin to reveal tender tips. During this moon phase it is essential to assess the environment, to establish strength and stability and regular access to one’s needs.
The First Quarter Moon is a time to quickly make any adjustments required to maintain a sense of accomplishment. This is a critical phase. Applying remedies and overcoming obstacles are best done by remaining on centre, i.e. eat well, sleep well, and be well.
The Gibbous Moon provides clarity and direction for the heart-mind to remain on course, playfully, lightly, and in good humour, radiating strength towards raising the good and positive: a most auspicious Moon phase for helpful action and rational logic.
The Full Moon heightens the senses, exciting emotion. At Full Moon the cyclic dance between the Luminaries peaks, reflecting Sol’s rays; moon shines the brightest, creativity culminates and plants bloom. (Check this year’s Summer Solstice Full Moon, for instance!)
The Disseminating Moon sees the light in the night sky begin to wane. A time of reflection beckons. This is the last chance to actively harvest the rest of that which culminated at the Full Moon, before settling into the darker, more contemplative, feminine half of the lunation.
The Last Quarter Moon is a time of clearing space, and tidying away that which is no longer necessary. Under waning moonlight, changes can also be physical: disease symptoms and pain can disappear – a reminder that suffering can be released back into the void from whence it came.
The Dark Balsamic Moon emits the most powerful feminine yin; resting, reflecting and extracting the essence of the lunation’s feelings, events and situations, digesting where we have come from, all the while gently preparing for and/or planting the seed for the next New Moon.
© Laura Boomer-Trent 2015
Retrograde planets are not really planets going backwards in the solar system, but because of Earth’s faster speed it looks as though they are - like when you’re overtaking a car and its wheels seem to be going in reverse. As such, these are times in which the energies of the retrograde come into a sharper focus. We may be moving too fast and need to revise, retreat or resolve. During an apparent retrograde motion any word with a ‘re’ at the beginning can be called for, such as reappraise, re-wire, redo, reapply, re-join, rework, review, repair.
Mercury Retrograde happens three times a year and is the most infamous and tricky. In 2016 these retrogrades take place in Earth Signs. Mercury rules the mind, our intelligence and communication. During Mercury retrograde all kinds of information, data and facts needs to be re-checked and often re-worked, and triple-checked when signing documents. In Earth signs, Mercury accents information about the environment, financial conditions, and occupation.
© Laura Boomer-Trent 2015
The ‘Void Of Course’ Moon (vc) is a term used to describe a phase between the Moon changing signs, as it moves from one sign to the next. The vc marks the end of traditional aspects the Moon makes to another planet, before making another aspect from its new sign. This means every couple of days there is a period when the Moon makes no major connections to other planets. This ‘time-out’ varies, sometimes lasting for hours or even days; though vc’s influence varies, starting projects with the Void-of-Course Moon can mean intentions are thwarted, or even that problems momentarily disappear!
© Laura Boomer-Trent 2015