Lily Rose Sequoia

Storyteller, performance poet, and film maker. Lily lives to inspire and inform, in her latest project Self-proclaimed philosoph-actionist, with a passion for permaculture and the healing power of plants; Lily is driven by a deep-seated belief that there is another way.


Diary 2015

We are the activists, the artists, the air and the animals; the community builders, the doulas, the healers, the herbalists, and the plants; the poets, the storytellers, the makers, the mavericks, the musicians and the music. We choose possibilities, not parameters. We are the uncivilized.

We, the uncivilized, refuse to participate in a culture based on the desecration of land, life and people.

We, the uncivilized, believe in community, collaboration and the inter-connectedness of all life.

We, the uncivilized, believe it's time to challenge the stories that imprison us; the stories that uphold the self-destructive system we call Western Civilization.

We, the uncivilized, are claiming the right to write our own story. We are digging up the stories of our soil; we seek stories to inspire, we seek stories to unite, we seek stories to rouse the heart, and activate the soul.

Beyond the boundary, life becomes limitless…

An Uncivilized Manifesto © Lily Rose and Pete Sequoia

So… Get out your spade;
start digging.
Don´t be afraid;
start digging.
Peel back
the crap,
and start looking.
Stop standing on the truth.
Sit down,
and let it grow.
Get to know,
take the time,
there´s no me or mine,
no straight line.
You are a spiral tribe,
you are alive,
you are round,
you are sun, sky and ground.
Look around,
start asking questions,
start making suggestions,
let negativity
embrace possibility.
For dark
becomes light,
and provides insight,
Open your vision,
let us be the seeds, trees, flowers, leaves,
pushing up through the crust of the earth,
let us be mother,
let us give birth,
for this my friend,
is not the end,
but the beginning.

Extract from Enough © Lily Rose Sequoia