Beth Rees (The Pagan Creative Podcast)

The Pagan Creative Podcast explores our humanity and the art of creative living in harmony with the earth’s cycles. Inspired by earth wisdom, the healing journey and spiritual practice, we bring you deep dive, reflective episodes.


Diary 2025

Every one of us has a unique potential inside us, a sacred seed that makes us who and what we are if we have the courage to accept it. Something the world needs to become a strong and resilient whole that can heal the fragmented societies we have created.

All of nature tells us that diversity is what allows the whole to thrive, as an ecosystem where everything fulfils its part and lives out its purpose. Ecosystems don’t work though, if the bees try to be oak trees or the eagles try to be beetles. They only work when and because everything makes its contribution to the whole by being what it truly is, by allowing its seed to germinate.

No matter how much we wander from ourselves, the sacred seed within us is never destroyed. It waits patiently for an internal Spring to let it germinate and grow, so that its creative energy can flood out into the world, visible and embodied.

Sacred Seeds © Beth Rees (The Pagan Creative Podcast) 2023

As the darkness opens the gateways to our inner world and beckons us beyond the veil of consciousness, we have the opportunity to peel away our surface and look to the bones within.

This is the time to reach down into the layers of soil and rock that make up our shell. Down through the layers of our past and our memories. Down through the ancient fossils of our life, the people we have been in our personal evolution. Reaching deeper still, we find the places where what is past has become wholly transformed through the processes of time and pressure. If we keep reaching, finally we will see it, waiting for us beneath the endless night. The fire, the truth at the centre of us that is burning there, strong and bright and resilient. It invites us to tend our deepest inner light, to be held in the warmth and comfort of its flame as we enter the winter months.

Samhain © Beth Rees (The Pagan Creative Podcast)

In a world that can feel lonely at times, always remember that we are creatures of the Earth before we are human beings. Our family members might come to us through the unconditional love of animals, the relationships we form with plants or our connection with any aspect of nature. None of us are alone on this planet. We are surrounded by parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, sons, daughters. They have many names, many forms, many faces. They speak many different languages and come to us in many different ways if we are open to receive them.

These relationships transcend a purely human belonging. They draw us into something much deeper and much more ancient. They are the heart of our belonging to the Earth, to nature, to our own wild self. They unlock the untamed part of us that makes us whole, that sits at our core as the same raw life force that drives the plants to unfurl their leaves and reach for the sun.

Heart of Belonging © Beth Rees (The Pagan Creative Podcast) 2023