Louisa is a Bear mama of 2 girl cubs, Priestess of Avalon, lover of this land, word weaver, dancer, wild wanderer living in rural Somerset. She is a Goddess woman re-awakening the energy of the Bear Priestess.
What would I bring home for you dear one?
I bring you the chance to step outside of this time and let your heart set the rhythm of your life.
I bring you the courage to journey at your own pace and trust that your arrival will be timely.
I bring you a door in the heart opened by the eye that can see to your wide expansive horizon.
I bring you the wisdom to recognise the shadow of the Cailleach when it falls across your path and to know that She will show you the way home.
I bring you the essential vitality of a body deeply stretched through all its layers of resistance, the bliss of blisters at bedtime and aching all over.
I bring you the retracing of steps when you take a wrong turn, and the realisation that these meanderings are how our ancient foremothers discovered the path we are now treading.
I bring you solitude, stillness, and silence. The Three who wait in the wildness to feed the soul, if only we stop and look for them.
I bring you my whole self, with my fear, joy, doubt, bliss, pain and love tumbled together like a million pebbles scattered across this great mountain of sisterhood.
I bring you this gift that left my purse strings and the landscape untouched, but touched my heart in the carrying it home to you.
I bring you the footprint of my love for you trodden hard into this mountain.
Souvenirs © Louisa Potter
See me in the stillness
See me in the crisp edges of the cold shadows
I am in the dark corners of your life
Come into the darkness and search for me
Curl up in the corner and find me
I am the shadow part of you
Take me into your arms and love me
Draw me down into the black cauldron at the centre of yourself
In your womb space cradle me tenderly in the darkness
I am your fear
Hold me safely through the quiet transforming depths of winter
And wait ..... wait ....wait
for the spring to shed light on what I have planted there.
Shadows © Louisa Potter