Age 74. A psychotherapist, an antiquarian bookseller, and a poet since my teens. My book ‘Poppy and Other Poems of Grief and Celebration’ was published by Alyscamps Press, Paris, in 2019 and a second edition later the same year by Wessex Media, England.
Sitting, it becomes clear
we are all, after all, only water
breathing out over life worn down
by our breathing in
The rhythm of the sea’s breath
on the shoreline recollects our own
deeper rhythms, in tune with our selves
singing a universal song
The patterns left as the shingle shifts
after each conscious intake of breath
are different mandalas every time,
gifts like driftwood and life
The purpose of the sea pulse
is not questioned, just adhered to,
unless threatened by man’s ignorance
for as long as the depths have resources...
Sitting, it becomes clear
we are all, after all, only water
breathing in over life worn down
by our breathing out
Sea Pulse © Julian Nangle