Proud and honoured to be part of this fantastic diary! Hoping to be instrumental in helping more artists and writers get their delicious work in front of a larger audience to benefit us all. Your passion is your purpose!
Faced with the unenviable task of commissioning a ‘remembering stone’ for my daughter, Georgia, it seemed fitting to design a memorial which would blend sympathetically into the Nature Reserve still used as a children’s cemetery, provide a safe haven for the cemetery’s small animal inhabitants, act as a physical vehicle for ‘communication’ between us and her, and to symbolise a bigger, universal spiritual connection between all those living here on Earth and all the loved ones no longer with us.
The result is a stunning dragonfly sculpture. Holes strategically placed within the stone both shelter small animals and allow the insertion of rolled-up paper scrolls upon which we write messages, wishes and blessings. An inscription from my favourite poem reminds me that the pain of loss does pass and love is all around us. And overall the stone serves as an ‘interactive’ tribute, a piece to engage with whilst acknowledging that the cycle of birth, death and rebirth is inevitable, necessary and part of our connection to loved ones departed and those yet to be born.
The stone was lovingly carved by Ann-Margreth Bohl. See for commissions and information.
© Debs Milverton 2014