Isla Macleod

Isla Macleod is a ceremonialist, ritual designer, companion at thresholds and author of 'Rituals for Life'. Devoted to healing our sense of separation from the natural world and restoring the Sacred.

Instagram: @islajmacleod

Diary 2024

Wild whispers on the wind from ancient Grandmother stones, calling me home to these heathered moors. Here, I am known. Known the way we all long to be known by our Beloved – in my fullness – silent shadows, feral flesh and All. By every fern, crag and oak, berry, bone and river, I am known.

Those who feel my devotion, who hear my loving prayer and call me in closer, covering my skin in soft peat, my hair in twists of lichen, to touch, smell, fondle and play amongst them in joyful innocence as I re-member what makes me ‘me’.

I see my reflection in every valley and tor. Speak in the same tongue as buzzard and crow. Move through the moors as a wild horse, following the scent of heather and gorse, bowing my head to the ground as I taste the nectar of all who blossom here.

This sweet nectar spills over, frothing at my lips as I touch my Beloved - my majesty and muse. The One who embraces me as I dream of shimmering threads weaving the worlds together. The One who cradles my weary bones, crafting new limbs for me to dance again with all that I love and long for, with all that stirs in my belly and wakes me from sleep.
Here, I am known.
Here, I am Home.

I Am Known © Isla Macleod 2022


Diary 2022

In the woods where rock and moss meet,
Ferns unfurl and Wren sings his sweet joy –
This Sacred Earth
Beckons you Home.

To make your bed upon the soft greens
And lay your head down to dream.
To remember your wild edges
And feral feet;
The memory of your bones
And the stories that speak from the stones.

Waking from the Buzzard’s call,
Your body entwined with roots of Oak,
There is nowhere else to go.
Here is the answer to your Longing.
There is nothing else to know.

This Sacred Earth © Isla Macleod 2020