Isabella Lazlo

Isabella Lazlo is Mother, Performance Artist, Writer, Medicine singer and voice for the Earth; also editor of ‘She Who Knows’, a new magazine for women, a mirror of our true power, beauty and value as women at this crucial time on the Earth.


Diary 2017

We are living in incredible times, when a new wave is surging, washing over and through the old paradigm. No area of life is left untouched. Rising within this wave is the voice of the feminine. That which has been quieted, shut down and ignored is now awakening. Rumblings from the Earth mother’s belly herself, calling us to stand up and speak from our hearts. Women are rising, remembering our sacred innate connection to the Earth, reclaiming our shared voice and power as we gather in circles, round fires, in fields, woods, village halls and sitting rooms.

Together we are an undeniable force, a power as ancient as the Earth herself, together there is nothing our hearts will not achieve. Together we are changing and challenging the face of Politics, Law, Education, Community, Family life and Celebration; helping to bring the connected heart back into our world: Girls and Women across cultures rising up, speaking out and calling for change. Each voice is an inspiration and a support to our own. We believe in each other, help each other with that next step and through each woman’s unique story is reflected the true power and beauty of woman. We are weaving the threads of these voices and strengthening our web in the creation of a just new world.

Celebrating Women’s Voices © Isabella Lazlo