Rose Cook

Rose Cook is well-known in the South-West, having read in many venues and festivals. She is also a photographer. Her latest collection of poems is Shedding Feathers published by Hen Run at Grey Hen Press, now available @ £4 from


Diary 2021, 2020

It is suddenly upon us,
the days darker, the night deeper,
bringing its gifts.

The allotment shows end-fruits;
sunflowers raised high,
yellowed marrows, tomatoes loaded on vines.

The air feels damp.
Red glints on the hawthorn in the shadows.
A wanderer tells of a moor valley lit by rowan berries.

Afternoon turns twilight, the shift is upon us,
the pull is inward, to dreams, renewal.
Stargazing later, wrap up warm.

The Autumn Shift © Rose Cook